Diagraph Sound Restoration


Our Tascam 18/20-channel mixers                                          Akai GX-4000D 3-head tape recorder


At Diagraph, we also practice the fine art of sound restoration; that is, we  restore and re-master sound recordings (cassette, reel-to-reel tapes (*), and 33/45/78 rpm vinyl and shellac records), and transfer the  results to CD and/or audio files (of all different formats). Through filtering, compressing and enhancing, using both analogue and digital equipment, the final sound quality is, by far, superior to the plain digitalisation done by computer. 


(*) Only 1/4 inch tape, recorded at 3 3/4 or 7 1/2 in/s, reel size up to 7 ins.


If, however, you do have digitised audio files (Wav/MP3) that need improvement, just send them to us (through email or WeTransfer) at:  geert.kliphuis@mail.be


Most of the equipment we use is mentioned on the Pigeon Loft Sound Studio page.


Our fees:


=> For transfer to USB-stick and/or audio file:

10,-€ per audio file/cassette (both sides, no matter its duration) and per LP (both sides: double LPs 25,-€)

35,-€ per reel-to-reel tape (both sides)


=> for transfer to  CD (only up to 5 copies):

15,-€ per audio file/ cassette (both sides, no matter its duration) and per LP (both sides: double LPs 30,-€)

40,-€ per reel-to-reel tape (both sides)



Nakamichi DR-3 cassette recorder  (one of Nakamichi's Rolls-Royces;)